Everything You Need to Know About Cast Irons

Everything You Need to Know About Cast Irons

Congratulations- you just became the owner of your first cast iron skillet.  Whether it was a brand new buy, the perfect thrift find, or a gift passed down to you, you’re eager to get cooking...but what about all those warnings like... “Don’t use soap on it!”  “Never...

You: The Champagne Expert

You: The Champagne Expert

Apparently the secret to being 95 and having a well-curated life that includes running a country while driving a Jag and never slowing down on public appearances is...drinking champagne. Every night.  Which, of all the New Year’s Resolutions I’ve considered for 2022...

White Kitchens: The OG Pandemic Trend

White Kitchens: The OG Pandemic Trend

Mom used to have a stack of HGTV magazines on the living room coffee table: Part decor, part light reading, and part inspiration for future projects. Flipping though for the last ten years, it still surprises me how fast home trends come and go.  Remember the bright...

In and Out of Love with Floral Wallpaper

In and Out of Love with Floral Wallpaper

“There is a duel to the death between me and my wallpaper. One or the other of us has to go.” Oscar Wilde famously said of his Parisian apartment. No spoilers but- the wallpaper won.  Wilde famously died in the very room referenced…which leaves us to wonder how...

The Magic of Mirepoix

The Magic of Mirepoix

The first time I made bone stock, I felt like I was channeling the spirit of Madame Barbe-Nicole Clicquot… ...it looked like champagne. I stared in wonder at the tiny bubbles of fat and collagen swirling in the sunflower yellow liquid. It was the most beautiful thing...

Can Antiques and Babies Mix?

Can Antiques and Babies Mix?

 By the time we found out I was pregnant- I had spent a decade cultivating an interior style that was anything but baby friendly.  Fragile natural history preservations in glass domes, original oil paintings and signed lithographs, and dry clean only blankets were...

Small Rituals to Make a House a Home

Small Rituals to Make a House a Home

In the incandescent film Chocolat, Vianne travels from town to town with her young daughter, Anouk. We meet her as she walks into Lansquenet-sous-Tannes, a small town in the French countryside where “quiet” is a way of life. Vianne opens a chocolate shop, stirring...

Celery: The Rise and Fall

Celery: The Rise and Fall

I have a confession to make about hot wings. It’s an embarrassing habit at this point- a messy bar food obsession all of my friends have come to accept on my behalf. While other women pick and choose their bar eats with a nod to public decency, you can always find me...